Boing Boing

Chinese dissident's "Rear Window" video of the cops keeping him under house arrest

Chinese dissident Hu Jia was placed under house arrest in Beijing in 2006. He has spent the time since recording the movements of "secret" police officers who surround his house, harassing his wife, acting like thugs, falling asleep on the job, playing cards, and grinning up at him. It's a kind of dissident's Rear Window, and the footage is haunting and unforgettable — especially the sequence starting around 1:48, where a grinning, hulking cop on a phone plays the "Oh, sorry, was I standing in front of you? I'll move. Whoops! I'm still blocking your way. Ha ha." game with Zeng Jinyan, Hu Jia's wife, acting for all the world like a seventh-grade bully.


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