Boing Boing

Best of BBtv – Mauvais Role

Continuing in our week-long review of popular BBtv episodes (while the crew takes some well-deserved time off!), we revisit Mauvais Rôle ("Bad Role"), a short animated film about a computer game character who gets fed up with playing the same lame villain roles all the time — and takes matters into his own (clawed) hands.

His quest leads him to new and increasingly more ridiculous casting calls, each one weirder than the last. And they lead him somewhere he never thought he'd end up…

Mauvais Rôle was produced by a team of students at ESRA Sup' Infograph, in France. Authors: Alan Barbier, Camille Campion, Dorian Février, Frédéric Fourier, Frédéric Lafay, Min Ma, Jean Francois Macé, Emmanuel Repérant, Jérémie Rosseau and Olivier Sicot. Full credits here, and the project's website is here.

Link to Boing Boing tv post, with downoadable video and discussion.

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