Boing Boing

Oregon man threatens suit for the right to video-record cops on the job

Ben sez, "After a Portland, OR man videotaped two Portland cops hassling a couple of men on a downtown sidewalk, one cop seized his camera and gave him a ticket, saying he'd broken the law by recording the officers without their permission.

The District Attorney's Office declined to prosecute, and now the man is trying to force the Portland Police Bureau to take a formal position on whether it's OK for civilians to videotape cops — with sound — in public places."

Portland police spokesman Sgt. Brian Schmautz said he believes the public doesn't have a right to record officers' conversations – on or off the job – without their consent.

"Just because somebody is a police officer doesn't mean they give up their rights," Schmautz said.

Man threatens suit over seizure of videocamera after he tapes Portland police rousting two men

(Thanks, Ben!)

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