Support schools directly with DonorsChoose!

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BB is pleased to participate in this year's DonorsChoose blogger challenge to support high-need public schools in the US. DonorsChoose is a bottom-up platform to link donors with classrooms that need very specific things, from books and furniture to computers and musical instruments. Former teacher Charles Best came up with the brilliantly simple idea: individual teachers ask for the things they need, and individual donors choose what they want to help make happen! Charles helped Boing Boing pick ten classroom projects that we're hoping you'll join us in supporting. For example, a high poverty middle school is seeking help to print the Spring issue of their school newspaper. One "post-Katrina" school is hoping for a new digital piano for music classes. A 7/8 grade charter school with limited funds could really use a video camera for a Digital Arts program. I hope you'll check out this list of projects and consider helping out, even with just a few bucks! And if there are other projects on DonorsChoose that you prefer to support, please mention them in the comments and they'll get added to the BB page on the site! Thanks so much! DonorsChoose: Boing Boing Challenge