Boing Boing

Apple gets into the book-banning business

Apple's refused to allow an application called "Comic Reader" in the iTunes Store because they don't like the comic book it ships with — effectively, they've gotten into the business of banning or approving literature. I bought a G1 instead of an iPhone because I believed that giving any company the right to decide what programs I can use (Apple uses DRM to prevent unapproved programs from running on the iPhone) would be a bad idea in theory and in practice. "Program" and "art" can sometimes be very close together, and whatever else Apple is, they're not qualified to judge which art I'm allowed to look at.

Who at Apple has been set up to vet material? Specifically, why was Murderdrome vetted as an application and not as a publication? Apple has a Books category in the App Store. That's where Murderdrome should have been placed.

Apple Forfeits eBooks By Banning A Comic Book!

(Thanks, Reid!)

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