Boing Boing

Gaza: Bullet Points, Moment of Silence, Open Thread

Above, "A Moment of Silence," a short video art piece — and paper art, red ink on calligraphy stock — about the conflict in Gaza. Calligraphy and video by Flickr user Yaronimus.

Judging from the very high amount of discussion traffic in Gaza-related posts from last week, our audience still has a lot to say about what's happening in the current conflict between the Israeli military and Hamas, in Gaza. Here are a few quick news items I've been reading today, and space for an open discussion. As always, with topics like this that tend to draw very passionate responses: please, keep it civil and respectful. The Boing Boing community includes friends and family in Israel, and friends and family in Gaza.

* The guys at Wired's Danger Room blog have been posting very astute analysis of recent events, including the use of phosphorus bombs *by both sides*, and impact on civilians.

* Danger Room also has a much-updated post up about today's attack by Israeli forces on a United Nations compound in Gaza. Israel's defense minister has apologized, describing the incident as a "grave mistake." Here's a related report in the NYT.

* Daoud Kuttab, a forward-thinking and peace-minded Palestinian journalist, has the distinction of having been arrested by both Israeli and Palestinian authorities in the past. I tend to think that when a reporter's work upsets officials on both sides in a conflict, he's probably doing something right. Kuttab has a post up today about the independent radio station he co-founded turning to a "citizen journalist" model during the current crisis. The short version: there weren't enough reporters to cover all of the action, including protests in Amman, so they turned to listeners in the streets — including taxicab drivers. Read: Jordan Radio Goes Citizen Reporter.

Previously on Boing Boing:

* News from a Red Cross Worker In Gaza

* Gaza Attacks: Two Related Reactions, in Second Life and Twitter

* Global Voices' coverage of Gaza Strip Bombings (and how to keep the coverage alive)

* Al Jazeera Releases Gaza Video Archive Under Creative Commons License

* Israel Invades Gaza: Online coverage, "citizen reporter" resources.

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