The Scopitone Archive is a fascinating site dedicated to 1960s video jukeboxes. Scopitones and Cineboxes were first introduced in Europe in 1959-1960 and came to the US a few years later. The coin-operated machines were quite popular but were swept into the dustbin of dead media by the 1970s. The Scopitone Archive is a near-complete catalog of the prototypical "music videos" made for Scopitones, Cineboxes, Coloramas, and other similar machines. From the Scopitone Archive:
Like Soundies (the films made for the Mills Panoram film jukebox in the 1940s), Cinebox films were printed so that the image is projected backwards when shown on a normal 16mm projector. The soundtrack is also printed in a non-standard manner, with the result that the sound lags behind the image by about half a second when projected on a normal 16mm projector. Perhaps because of these oddities, or because the Cinebox was never as popular in the United States as the Scopitone, Cinebox films are much harder to find than Scopitone films.In the summer of 1965, there were reportedly 612 films available for the Cinebox.