Boing Boing

Zoondoggle's Gurn-a-Thon: send in a digital photo of your best silly face


Jake at Zoomdoggle (above) invites you to make a silly face and submit the photo for his Gurn-a-Thon.

Welcome to the first annual Zoomdoggle Gurn-a-Thon.

What's a gurn? I hear you cry. A gurn, or gurning is the ancient English art of pulling very silly faces. Usually through a giant horse shoe. I'm not making this up. From Wikipedia: "Gurning contests are a rural English tradition. They are thought to have originated in 1297 at the Egremont Crab Fair"

I don't have a horseshoe but I do have a face and a digital camera – and so, dear reader, do you.

QUICK: Make a Face (the Zoomdoggle Gurn-a-Thon)

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