Boing Boing

Truth about myths about myths about file sharing in Canada

Canadian copyfighting attorney Howard Knopf has written a great response to the Canadian Record Industry Association's letter to the Toronto Star, in which they claimed that Michael Geist column, "Time to slay Canadian file-sharing myths" was incorrect. Yes, it's truths about myths about myths about file sharing!

A levy-free terabyte external hard drive that now sells for less than CDN $200 can hold about 250,000 songs downloaded via P2P. The fact that this is apparently legal in Canada is the direct consequence of the private copying levy scheme that Mr. Pfohl's employer, the Canadian Recording Media Association ("CRIA"), so enthusiastically and effectively lobbied for and was given in the 1997 amendments to the Copyright Act. CRIA was short sighted. Mass access to the internet was already in full flight and the concept of the "celestial juke box" was already old news at that time. The Canadian levy scheme has now generated more than a quarter billion dollars. CRIA members whine about the consequences of their legislation all the way to the bank (and indeed incessantly afterwords), but keep on cashing the cheques.

As CRIA must constantly be reminded, "be careful what you wish for." And hopefully, Government officials, MPs and Ministers will be careful about who they listens to when it comes to Canadian copyright law and sound public policy. CRIA and some of those who speak for it it, have a poor record for foresight, wisdom, credibility and even basic accuracy in these matters.

More Myths about Myths about File Sharing

(via Michael Geist)

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