Boing Boing

IKEA sends breastfeeder to the toilets

So much for the much-vaunted Swedish progressivism: the IKEA store in Redhook, New York, sent Sarah Miller to the toilets to breastfeed her baby, then, when she gave up on waiting for the toilets to be free and tried to leave the store, the same security guards who'd banished her to the shitter held her up again to check her receipts.

On Wednesday I was in Ikea Redhook in the middle of breastfeeding, fully
covered, when I was told I had to stop doing "that" and go to the nearby family
bathroom. The Ikea employee and security guards were extremely rude to us. I was
hustled off to the bathroom and then had to wait because someone else was using
it. I was humiliated, my daughter was upset from being interrupted in the middle
of her feed. When eventually I gave up and headed for the car to finish feeding,
the security guards who had seen the entire event insisted on checking my
receipts. I'm putting together a formal complaint to IKEA. I was wondering if
this has happened to anyone else?

IKEA Redhook breastfeeding incident

(via Consumerist)

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