Boing Boing

Cheezy-poofs marketed as "organic carrot stix"

We just got back from a pleasant morning at the London Zoo in Regent's Park with the baby. Just before we left, we stopped at the cafe for a snack. I took care of the kid while Alice lined up to buy some goodies. As the queue moved along, she grabbed a packet marked "Carrot Stix" thinking that they must be, you know, carrot sticks. Or maybe dried carrot sticks. Something that was, approximately speaking, food.

After all, the company that makes it is called "Organix." And they have a "No junk promise." And they say that there's "reduced salt" and "reduced fat."

Wait, what?

I didn't know carrots had fat or salt.

In fact, they don't.

That's because "Carrot Stix" are not, in fact, carrot sticks.

They're cheezy-poofs: deep fried powdered corn/potato snacks, dusted with "powdered carrots." They are not, in fact, carrots.

They're not even food.

Caveat emptor.

Carrot Stix

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