Boing Boing

Astrology websites flock to analyze Julian Assange's natal chart


When Wikileaks frontman Julian Assange presented himself before a court in the UK this week, after an arrest warrant was issued over sex crime allegations, a judge asked him for his date of birth—among other things. Astrologers around the 'net pounced on that birth date info, and produced Assange's natal chart.

"Till now, Assange had succeeded at keeping even his birth date entirely secret, so this is something of an astrological coup, and begins to answer the curiosity of many," writes Eric Francis at

Of course, as a BB commenter rightly points out, all of this presumes Assange gave his real birth date. [sinister mustache twirl]. Much analysis and speculation is flowing on various Astrology blogs and Twitter accounts about what the chart reveals of his character and destiny.

Internet infamy is weird.

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