Boing Boing

Pixelated clothing designs: when reality has a render-glitch

Alba Prat's clothing designs are made to look pixelated, as though they've emerged from a video-game. I love how subtle the effect is — not the chunky, 8-bit fashion we've seen before, but rather, a series of hints at some digital origin, as though caught from an angle that the game-engine doesn't know how to render properly. Jonas Lindstroem's mystery-shrouded photography really brings the collection to life.

Yatzer discovered an exceptional two-piece collection by a fashion design student from the Berlin University of Arts; Alba Prat. Despite the fact that the particular work was limited in terms of quantity, one could see the potential of this particular designer. Her work involved two designs made in laser-cut, neoprene fabric, following clean lines and creating 3-D-like, cubic effects. The small collection took the name "The Synthetic Oceans". Today, Alba makes her much-expected step forward. She presents us with a larger collection of garments made for women, always stamped with her signature elements. Describing it in a few words, the collection features clean lines, sole colours and optical effects. Yet this time the collection takes the name "Digitalized".

The Digitalized Collection constitutes Alba Prat's fashion design studies final year project. According to the designer, the inspiration for her work was the 1982 film Tron, largely apparent in her futuristic design techniques.

The Digitalized Collection of Alba Prat

(via JWZ)

(Image: downsized crop of photo by Jonas Lindstroem)

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