Boing Boing

Rugs made from skinned soft toys

This magnificent thing is Agustina Woodgate's "No Rain No Rainbows," a rug made from skinned teddybears. There are many more. They are equally wondrous.

augustina woodgate, an artist originally from buenos aires and now based in miami, has created 'skin rugs', a collection of hand-sewn rugs
made from the skin of donated stuffed animals. the body of each carpet is modeled after that of an authentic bear skin rug but where
the series deviates from the standard form is in each tapestry having been formed from the fur several plush animal toys rather than that of a live animal.
woodgate sews each of the toys together in order to create giant floor-coverings with a varied color palate and semi-symmetrical patterning. her collection
evokes a spiritual or nostalgic reaction in the viewer as they contemplate their childhood, when the textures of the artist's tapestry series were representative
of comfort and security.

'no rain no rainbows' by agustina woodgate, 2011

(via Neatorama)

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