Boing Boing

AMC to Dish: We'll go ahead and stream <em>Breaking Bad</em> for free. 'K bye.

AMC has some very good news for Dish Network customers who are being denied their Breaking Bad season premiere this weekend: They will be streaming the show as it airs for the low, low cost of zero dollars. So, take that, Dish Network! Those jerks!

Just in time for the fifth (and final) season premiere for one of cable's most popular shows, Dish Network failed to reach an agreement with AMC, IFC, and WE and dropped them as part of their cable offerings as of July 1. But in a classy display of support for fans and a middle finger to Dish, AMC will provide a consolation viewing experience in the form of a live stream of the premiere of Breaking Bad at 10:00 PM EST. Here is their statement:

"Every cable, phone and satellite company other than Dish carries AMC," the company says. "AMC wants its loyal Dish viewers to experience the excitement of the Breaking Bad premiere at the same time as their friends and neighbors, and we want to give Dish customers an extra week to switch providers so they can enjoy the rest of the season."

Oh no you didn't, AMC with your Z-snapping diss-o-matic.

If you are one of these unlucky Dish customers, all you have to do is pre-register starting on Saturday, July 14 at 3:00 PM EST. It costs nothing, and you just have to visit AMC's specially-designed page just for you. (via Deadline)

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