Boing Boing

The director who was approached to helm the <em>Justice League</em> movie is… Ben Affleck

On the blazing comet tail of the big Marvel-Joss Whedon-Avengers 2 news comes this strange announcement: Ben Affleck — that Ben Affleck — has been approached by Warner Bros. to direct DC's equally huge Justice League movie, which is set to go right up against The Avengers 2. While Affleck is a true, real, bona fide film director (Amy Ryan was nominated for an Oscar for Gone Baby Gone, Affleck's first film), isn't this a little soon for him? Are we ready for Ben Affleck to step into Joss Whedon's turf? Or should he step back and take a cue from Jon Favreau and Kenneth Branagh, and take one comic book superhero at a time? Who could go up against Joss Whedon with a Justice League movie right now? Is Kevin Smith jealous that he wasn't asked? But more importantly: Which city in the DC universe is Boston, and which DC superhero will have that accent? (via /Film, Newsarama)

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