Boing Boing

Metal circle template

Tim from WindFired Designs writes,

We designed this specialized circle tool. We originally made it for ourselves as kite makers, but it was quickly clear that it should be available to everyone that likes to make things by hand.

There aren't any good metal circle templates out there. People that use heat for cutting synthetics often need to cut circles, but existing circle templates are plastic. We decided to design and make our own. At first it was for our own use, but as we went through prototypes, the object started to seem more and more seductive. We really needed this around our own studio, and we knew from working as designers for over 20 years, that there weren't any good commercial solutions. The tool shape we came up with has a number of innovative features. It's great for serious makers, but it's also really fun to hand them to children who love to draw.

WindFire Designs Circle Tool

(Thanks, Tim!)

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