Boing Boing

Settlers of Catan proposal

Laura sez, "My sister, who works for how about we & is an avid gaming fan, got an amazing proposal from her now-fiance. Pete, with the help of a crafty friend, created a new development card and sat playing for 2 hours until he could purchase the 'proposal' development card and play it! (fyi, they were playing the 2 person version so there was no chance that someone other than the future bride or groom could accidentally play that card!)"

"He said, 'I hate playing two-player Catan because I feel like I'm being really aggressive and attacking you.' So I assumed he had a monopoly card and was going to steal my brick (a crucial game-winning resource) from me. So of course I called him an asshole and literally said 'I can't believe you're about to do this.' And then he laid down the proposal card – which I really didn't believe he was going to do. I then dove across the board to kiss him, he managed to get the ring out, and eventually I remembered to say yes (many kisses and tears later)."

How to Propose to a 'Settlers of Catan' Fan [Chiara Atik/The Date Report]

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