Boing Boing

Superman, the 1966 Broadway musical!


Who needs Man of Steel when you can wax nostalgic for "It's A Bird, It's a Plane, It's SUPERMAN," the 1966 Broadway musical! Drew Friedman:

The TV series starring George Reeves had been off the air for almost a decade and the Superman movies were still another decade away. A Broadway musical reviving The Man of Steel seemed like a good idea. The show starred Jack Cassidy as a new character, unscrupulous Daily Planet gossip columnist Max Menchen (loosely based on Walter Winchell). Also featured were Linda Lavin (fresh from The MAD Show) as Max's Girl Friday Sydney, Patricia Marand as Lois Lane, Michael O'Sullivan (overly sweaty & spitty) as a lunatic-professor bent on Superman's destruction, (10 time Nobel prize loser), Dr. Abner Sedgwick, and the 6 foot/4 inch, square-jawed baritone, the imposing yet throughly likable Bob Holiday as Superman/Clark Kent.

"It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's SUPERMAN", the 1966 Broadway Musical" (Drew Friedman)

Below, the sweet sounds of "We Don't Matter" from the musical.

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