Boing Boing

Documentary on the first Tetris championship

Ecstasy Of Order: The Tetris Masters is a 2011 documentary telling the story of Robin Mihara, a "Tetris superfan" who convened a global Tetris championship in 2010 in Los Angeles, assembling a collection of the greatest Tetris players on earth. The movie's official site has lots more on the event and the documentary, which looks very exciting indeed.

Tetris. We've all played it, rotating the pieces and dropping them in the perfect place, or despairing as we discover a piece won't fit. You may have even joked about 'mastering' the game. But what about the people who've truly mastered Tetris? Where are the Kasparovs and Fischers, the great champions who've dedicated their minds to solving its deepest puzzles?

Ecstasy of Order tracks down just such a group of record- holding Tetris Masters as they prepare to compete in the 2010 Classic Tetris World Championship. Get an up-close look at the Masters as they reveal their secrets, recount their decades-long obsession with the game, and enter the transcendental state required to reach the highest levels known as the 'Ecstasy of Order'.

Ecstasy Of Order: The Tetris Masters DVD

Ecstasy Of Order: official site

(via Kottke)

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