Boing Boing

Interview with Mad Men's costume designer, Janie Bryant


Smithsonian interviewed Janie Bryant, the talented costume designer for Mad Men:

I pay huge attention to the men. They all have different shirt collars and different cuff links, or may not have cuff links—like Roger Sterling, each one of his shirts is embroidered with his initials on the cuff. They each have a different color scheme. Each of the male characters wears a different kind of suiting. The variation really is endless, and I do love to make each one of those characters different. I think it's really important for them to be very character-specific and character-driven.

The obvious way of seeing that is Harry. He's so different from the rest of the male cast. But Pete is too, and his costume design has changed a lot over all the different seasons, which has been really fun—from his menswear being mostly made up of different hues of blues to his palette being much more refined and somber and serious as he has gotten older. That has been very interesting—the transition for that character, to go through all the different character arcs with him.

"Go Behind the Styles With Mad Men's Emmy-Nominated Costume Designer"

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