Boing Boing

LA city hall orders destruction of "bamboo masterpiece" treehouse

The widow of a man who built a bamboo treehouse in Venice, CA says her complaint about the proliferation of "McMansions" in her neighborhood led to an order from the City of LA to demolish the beloved structure.

The treehouse serves as the favorite hangout spot of his grandchildren and neighborhood kids. But on May 22, Eileen Erickson received a two-page letter from the Department of Building and Safety ordering her to "demolish" it. She faces substantial fines and possible imprisonment if she fails to comply with the instructions.

She has since received support from some 450 people who have signed a petition in favor of preserving the treehouse, and City Councilman Mike Bonin's staff offered to help her "navigate through the system" that identified 17 related code violations.

The City of Los Angeles wants to demolish a 10-year-old bamboo masterpiece treehouse (Thanks, Matthew!)

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