Boing Boing

Don't Lick My Toes: raunchy, hilarious cabaret

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Vancouver's Wet Spots perform the funniest, raunchiest cabaret I've heard — side-splittingly so. Check out the video for "Don't Lick My Toes" above, or get their album Hello Kinky for nine bucks, cheap.

Update: Turns out I had a video of a cover of the song!

Rsreagan writes, "Hi Cory! I love that you linked to the Wet Spots, who are great and also personal friends of mine. But that video is not a video of them performing. Since their patter, acting, and presentation are such a wonderful part of their work, I think that it would be great to link to an actual performance of theirs: here's the least graphic of the songs posted to their YouTube channel, Texas Annie. They don't have a video of "Toes" up, sadly, but you can hear Cass singing it here.

Hello Kinky

(Thanks, Sooj!)

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