Boing Boing

Ben Rosenbaum's "Feature Development for Social Networking": Facebook in the zombpocalypse

Ben Rosenbaum sends us Feature Development for Social Networking, his latest story, published today on "It's an epistolary story told in two strands, during a pandemic outbreak of AER/CI (Acquired Extreme Rage with Cognitive Impairment), aka the zombie apocalypse. One strand is the facebook posts of a group of friends, some of whom have been bitten. The other strand is interoffice emails of developers, project managers, etc., at Facebook, wrangling over dropping in the feature of being able to tag someone else as a zombie. So it's postapocalyptic office satire (and online community satire), basically."

Marsha Shirksy

Got bitten . . .

Roland Wu wtf? Are you kidding?

Buster Day that is so not funny

Emily Carter omg Marsha are you serious?

Marsha Shirksy I'm not kidding, you guys! There was a rager at the supermarket. I could tell he was acting weird & I know I was totally stupid not to just drop my stuff and run! I'd just been in line forever & they had this terrific local asparagus on sale. Yes, I may have just sacrificed myself for asparagus.

Emily Carter Oh, honey! That is awful.

Marsha Shirksy I'm so scared you guys.

Jesus Palanquin Where are you? Get home NOW, lock yourself in, and get on the CDC registry. Hospitals are turning adults away until symptomatic, and the cops in Oakland have been shooting first and asking questions later.

Buster Day oh shit Marsha I'm sorry

Feature Development for Social Networking

(Thanks, Ben!)

(Image: Scott Bakal)

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