Boing Boing

This Day in Blogging History: Rise of the Graphic Novel; Public Urination Permitted hoax; FBI warns about terrorists with Farmers' Almanacs

One year ago today

Rise of the Graphic Novel: everything you need to know about the comics field in 70 pages: Stephen Weiner's seminal Rise of the Graphic Novel has had a second edition. Rise builds on Weiner's influential work in cataloging and charting a course through the field of graphic novels for librarians around America and the world, spinning out a compact, fascinating narrative of the history of graphic novels.

Five years ago today

Prank signs: "Public Urination Permitted After 7:30PM": Nottingham pranksters have been putting up official-looking signs.

Ten years ago today
FBI warns of terrorists toting copies of Old Farmers' Almanac: The FBI is warning police nationwide to be alert for people carrying almanacs, cautioning that the popular reference books covering everything from abbreviations to weather trends could be used for terrorist planning.

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