Boing Boing

Speaking at SXSW with Barton Gellman about Edward Snowden and NSA surveillance

I'll be returning to SXSW Interactive this March for the first time in more than five years, to interview Pulitzer-winning journalist Barton Gellman, who is one of the journalists who's been entrusted with some of the Snowden NSA leaks. We're doing a presentation called "Snowden 2.0: A Field Report From the NSA Archives," which follows an address by Glenn Greenwald. We're speaking on March 10 — I hope to see you!

Today we reveal the addition of another session focused on this topic, "Snowden 2.0: A Field Report From the NSA Archives." This session will feature Barton Gellman (pictured at left) of the Century Foundation, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on Vice President Dick Cheney. Gellman is one of three reporters entrusted by Edward Snowden last May with top secret NSA archives. In December 2013, he was the first to interview Snowden face-to-face in Moscow. Nine months after breaking the PRISM story in The Washington Post, Gellman looks back at what we have learned, what it means, and what we still don't know. Snowden gave birth to an insurgency against the surveillance-industrial state. A counterinsurgency rose to defend the status quo. Gellman offers an insider's view of who is winning and why.

Barton Gellman and Cory Doctorow Talk NSA at SXSW Interactive on Monday, March 10

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