Boing Boing

Help ORG fund a legal director!

Ed from the UK Open Rights Group writes, "In the next month Open Rights Group will be recruiting a Legal Director to help us intervene in crucial digital rights court cases and bring real legal expertise to our work.

We can't let government and big web companies go unchallenged in the courts. We already have the funding to take on a part-time Legal Director. But to bring in a full-time experienced lawyer who can drive ambitious legal projects we're relying on lots of new supporters joining ORG."

0 new supporters = 3 days a week
100 new supporters = 4 days a week
200 new supporters = 5 days a week

The more days a week we have the new Legal Director, the more work we'll be able to do defending digital rights in the courts.

ORG's trying to recruit a full-time experienced lawyer.

(Thanks, Ed!)

(Disclosure: I helped found ORG and am proud to volunteer on its advisory committee)

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