Barry Belcher describes a simple way to make a Haunted Mansion Madame Leota-style video crystal ball, using an old flat panel display, a novelty brandy snifter, and a piece of reflective plastic. It's a Pepper's Ghost effect, and it's very effective — a great companion to this mobile-phone sized baby version.
HOWTO make a large animated Haunted Mansion crystal ball
RIP Tom Robbins, author of "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues"
Tom Robbins, the novelist who delighted readers with his psychedelic prose and counterculture wisdom, died February 9, 2025, at his home in La Conner, Washington. He was 92. Known for… READ THE REST
Kristi Noem finally gets real: "You can't trust the government anymore" (video)
Kristi Noem has never been more honest about how dishonest the MAGA party is. Either that or she just plumb forgot that she was the Department of Homeland Security's new… READ THE REST
Company gearing up to sell sunlight at night using orbiting mirrors
A California startup wants to beam extra sunlight to Earth orbiting mirrors, but some are skeptical about whether the physics and economics add up. Reflect Orbital plans to launch 57… READ THE REST
Here's how to stretch your paycheck further while grocery-shopping—by joining Costco
TL;DR: Join Costco as a Gold Star member for 1 year with this $65 offer—you'll even get a $20 Digital Costco Shop Card* to use on a future shopping trip. If your wallet… READ THE REST
Adobe Acrobat doesn't want you to find out about this subscription-free alternative
TL;DR: Ditch Adobe Acrobat for SwifDoo PDF Pro, a lifetime PDF management tool available for only $34.99 (reg. $129) while supplies last. Subscriptions are, well, unavoidable these days. Almost. If you're tired… READ THE REST
Here's how to impress your picky manager—with Microsoft Visio's diagramming tools
TL;DR: Get Microsoft Visio Professional 2021 for just $19.97 (reg. $249) through February 23 and start making your presentations more interesting. Imagine being able to turn your complex ideas into clear, visual stories… READ THE REST