Boing Boing

Bike seat/taxidermy sculptures

Canadian artist Clem Chen produced a pair of lovely grotesque sculptures by combining bicycle seats with taxidermy, presently on display at the Hot Art Wet City Gallery in Vancouver.

Appropriately titled, 'bite it' and 'pink eye' the customized fittings were made by carving out openings and inserting plastic-cast taxidermy molds into them. featuring a snarling mouth and creepy eye, the parts are held together with construction adhesive and 2-part epoxy glue, making the intimidating look durable, with additional sculpting done using epoxy putty. achieving an intimidatingly real-life look, details were painted in acrylic, while the body was given a matte-black spray finish.

clem chen inserts taxidermy molds into bike seat sculptures [Celia Mahon Heap/Designboom]

(via Neatorama)

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