Boing Boing

Blogging History: Manning sentenced to 25 years; Alternative Big Mac Index; 1920 Japanese kids' books

One year

Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison: In a courtroom at Fort Meade today, Judge Army. Col. Denise Lind delivered the sentence in the trial of Bradley Manning: 35 years in a military prison, less 1,294 days for time served, and a 112-day credit for enduring "unlawful pretrial punishment," when he was held for 9 months at a Marine Corps brig in Quantico, VA. During that stay, Manning was confined alone for more than 23 hours each day in an 8-by-6 foot cell.

Five years

How many minutes do people in your city have to work to buy a Big Mac? From The Economist, a chart showing "how long it takes a worker on the average net wage to earn the price of a Big Mac in 73 cities."

Ten years

Japanese children's books from 1920s: Browsing through this beautiful gallery of children's book illos from the '20s, I keep thinking about the fact that these were all created during a period just before Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and a period of dramatic cultural change.

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