Boing Boing

Giant net-neutrality videoboard at FCC's front doors wants YOUR videos

Evan from Fight for the Future writes, "Fight for the Future and Namecheap just parked a truck directly across the street from the FCC with a huge video billboard mounted on top facing the agency's main entrance; we're playing net neutrality videos all day today and tomorrow."

I know you've all already submitted your net neutrality comments to the FCC (you have, right? if not stop reading [go here]. But here's a chance to get your voice heard in an even bigger way. Send us a 1 – 2 minute video about why net neutrality matters to you, and we'll play it on the billboard for everyone at the FCC to see!

Need some inspiration for your video? Check out this little ditty,/a>.

Fight for the Future and Namecheap have parked a truck with a giant video billboard directly across the street from the FCC!

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