Boing Boing

The Immortal Zoo: animal bone sculptures from Jessica Joslin

Our friend Jessica Joslin has a new show starting October 24 at Firecat Projects in Chicago. It's called The Immortal Zoo.

The creatures that populate Jessica Joslin's world are intricate fusions of bone, brass, antique hardware and other scavenged treasures. Infused with the Victorian era's passion for natural history and arcane technology, these creatures reflect both the real and the imagined animal, the living and the dead. Through careful observation and intricate construction, they re-imagine the animal kingdom, bolt by bolt, beast by beast. They are a nod to the Wunderkammer of yore, and the Victorian predilection for invention and exploring science through the collecting of naturalia. The precision of the engineering conveys a sense that these beasts are anatomically plausible, and the spark of life is simulated through limpid glass eyes, engaging the viewer silently and directly.

Inspired by the beauty of skeletal architecture, and a passion for assemblage sculpture, Jessica Joslin began building her bestiary of mechanical animals in 1992. Her collection of creatures includes a myriad of different species and hybrids, and numbers over 200 sculptures in total. With a extensive background in the professional trades, Joslin honed her fabrication skills building toy prototypes, architectural models, trade show displays, photo props, and film sets. Her monograph, Strange Nature was published in 2008, and her work has been featured in numerous books, magazines and exhibitions worldwide.

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