Boing Boing

Bullshit copyright complaint is the perfect pretense to censor CT library art

Peter from the National Coalition Against Censorship writes, "A Connecticut library took down a painting of Mother Teresa because of a dodgy copyright claim. Was that really the issue?"

The painting was ordered taken down by a city government official, First Selectman Tim Herbst. But even though the complaints the library received concered seeing the famous Catholic nun alongside Sanger, Herbst claimed that the town received a formal letter contending that the painting infringes copyright in using Mother Teresa's image. Library Director Susan Horton told the Trumbull Times that there was "no proof that the copyright is valid," and that members of the library board disagreed with the decision to remove the painting. But it was removed nonetheless.

The copyright claim appears to be ridiculous on its face, and also defies common sense: If including the image of a public figure in a painting were a copyright violation, it would be impossible to create a critical image of a politician, or even an admiring portrait of a historical figure like Mother Teresa.

After Questionable Copyright Claim, Public Library Removes Mother Teresa Painting [Sunna Reitov Korpe/NCAC]

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