theft Man finds $5,000 in bank parking lot, gets charged with larceny three months later Mark Frauenfelder
class war Connecticut's racist NIMBYs have used zoning laws and dirty tricks to make it one of the most unequal, racially segregated states in the union Cory Doctorow
surveillance capitalism Stop & Shop strike convinces 75% of loyal customers to take business elsewhere Cory Doctorow
class war Connecticut's undertaxed super-rich hedgies get "tax bills" from anti-cuts protesters Cory Doctorow
class war Hartford, CT says friends can't room together unless some of them are servants Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Bullshit copyright complaint is the perfect pretense to censor CT library art Cory Doctorow
MAGA martyrs Steve Bannon and Marjorie Taylor Greene are heckled mercilessly outside of prison (video) Carla Sinclair
music Frank Turner tries to break the world record for most concerts performed in different cities in 24 hours Thom Dunn
libraries Book banning is at a record high in the United States and here's where it's happening most David Pescovitz
conspiracy theory The 2024 Santa Monica Film Festival was chock full of red-pilled conspiracy content Jennifer Sandlin