Boing Boing

Try your hand at the hilariously bleak job market in this Earthbound-like game


Knuckle Sandwich is an upcoming RPG by Melbourne-based Andrew Brophy, and Tarantula is a sort of mini preview-episode that's full of chart and harm. Um, heart and charm! It uses stylistic influences from the beloved Earthbound games to form the spine of a wonderfully-absurd adventure about a luckless young man in search of a job.

Brophy calls Knuckle Sandwich is "an RPG thing based on my teen years and all the terrible jobs I had." Tarantula is about the search for those jobs, bringing you on a friendly bus trip to an assembly-line job center that conceals a depressing game show theatre at the backā€”but you should really see it for yourself.

The art is wonderful, familiar and refreshing simultaneously, and the music, from artists like Sun Stains, Mushbuh and others, really stands out.

A free demo of Tarantula will be imminent. Learn more about the full game, Knuckle Sandwich, here.

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