Boing Boing

Supercut of 80s movies' computer hacking

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A phone slams into an acoustic coupler on the desk. Screeching beeping sounds. Two people sitting side-by-side in front of a computer. One is a socially awkward nerd. The other is cooler, but dumber.

The nerd types something really fast on the keyboard. A rotating Necker cube appears on the green monochrome monitor. SECTOR-INFILTRATE SEQUENCE INITIATED. We see rapidly scrolling strings of hexadecimals reflected in the nerd's wireframe glasses.

"YES! We're in."

They stop scrolling, and begin to disintegrate, and are replaced by a jolly roger. "HA HA HA!" it says, lower jaw cycling.

"We're in," says the nerd, grinning. "How did you do that!?" interrobangs the cool person. Enjoy this supercut of computer hacking scenes from the 1980s.


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