Boing Boing

Alaska troopers want to know why idiot in bear suit is harassing grizzlies


Why would someone wear a realistic bear costume and use it bother a mother grizzly and her two cubs trying to eat salmon in an Alaska river? First of all, he's lucky the mother bear didn't eviscerate him when he ran to within five to ten feet of the cubs and began "waving and jumping," according to a group of people watching from a respectful distance. Second, it's stressful to the bears.

Alaska Fish and Game technician Lou Cenicola, was able to move the mother bear out of the way, and he tried to talk to the man. The man didn't remove the bear head, and didn't identify himself. He told Cenicola, "You have the license plate number. You figure it out." Then he drove away, still in costume.

State troopers are investigating and said the man could face wildlife harassment charges.


Image: Shutterstock

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