Boing Boing

Smash the city in this riotous 'slam-em-up'

Jane Friedhoff describes Slam City Oracles as a "rambunctious, riot grrrl, Katamari-meets-Grand Theft Auto physics game"—you grab a pal and slam into as many objects as you can in two minutes. As hard as you can, so that you can send things flying as fast as they go.

The bright, poppy art is by Friedhoff's fellow New Yorker Jenny Jiao Hsia, and the soundtrack is by Scully, a women-fronted rock band from Brooklyn. Originally commissioned for 2014's No Quarter exhibit and recently shown at The Museum Of The Moving Image's Well Played series, the game is out today for free or pay-what-you-want.

This radiant moshpit from an all-girl team feels especially subversive because you're smashing cuteness—the visual and physical comparison to Katamari Damacy and other justly-loved (but slightly twee) indie darlings makes you feel like you're part of a girl squad rocking up to clear out all the plaid-shirt beardos, or something.

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