Boing Boing

Beginner Watchmaking by Tim Swike

I thought it would be impossible for an eBook to inspire me to get me working on a watch.

Tim Swike's Beginner Watchmaking: How to Build Your Very First Watch did an amazing job!

I was unsure how much I could really get from an e-pub on watchmaking, Swike's book offers a surprisingly complete set of useful information for the absolute beginner. Starting with the basic parts and workings of a watch, you quickly move to troubleshooting and making your own replacement parts. Swike provides clear instruction, uses accessible tools and materials, and truly teaches you quite a bit about watches.

If you are looking for a new, insanely difficult and precise hobby, watchmaking will make tying flies look like child's play.

Beginner Watchmaking: How to Build Your Very First Watch via Amazon

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