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NASA's forgotten 3mm gauge movie camera

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Dino Everett of USC's Hugh M. Hefner Moving Image Archive shows off a nifty little gadget: a working 3mm movie camera developed by Eric Berndt in 1960 for NASA's Mercury missions. The project was scrapped, but Berndt was able to create a working camera with replaceable mag.

From Chapman University:

Berndt Cine 3 System camera and film. In 1960, Berndt had resigned as president of the Berndt-Bach Corporation and began a number of special projects. One of the projects completed was a sub-miniaturized motion picture camera using 3mm film. It was used in a special cockpit photography application by the United States Air Force at Edwards Air Force Base. Berndt manufactured the camera and all equipment necessary to produce the film.

Everett took it around to some conventions a while back to the delight of fellow film preservationists and archivists.

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