Boing Boing

Petition: commute Chelsea Manning's sentence to time served

Evan from Fight for the Future sez, "Chelsea Manning has already spent more time behind bars than any other whistleblower in U.S. history. She's been systematically mistreated, subjected to torture, and denied access to desperately needed health care while serving a 35 year sentence in an all-male military prison."

"And if we don't do something right now, Chelsea's life is literally in danger. KT Mcfarland, Trump's pick for Deputy National Security Advisor, has repeatedly called for Chelsea to be executed. Her situation is about to go from bad to worse. There are just days left to sign this petition calling for President Obama to commute Chelsea's sentence to time served before he leaves office. Please sign and spread the word. Chelsea risked everything to do what she thought was right. Now she needs our help. Please do your part."

Commute Chelsea Manning's Sentence to Time Served
[CV/We The People]

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