Boing Boing

Tabletop Audio: ambient loops for your RPGs

"Role-players, boardgamers, writers, coders, artists, graphic designers, teachers, house-cleaners, lucid dreamers, gym-rats, distance runners, commuters" can enjoy over 100 ambient atmospheric loops with names like "Orbital Promenade," "Lunar Outpost," "Testing Chamber" and so on.

They're free to use for noncommercial purposes and the creators welcome license queries for commercial users. I can really see how this would make an RPG session amazing. The playlist generating tool is great, but seems to lack a way to embed the player, meaning you'll have to follow the link below to get a taste of the audio on offer.

While it was originally developed as a resource for players and GMs of tabletop role-playing games, I have received so many emails from other types of users that I felt it was time to refine this section.

According to you all, Tabletop Audio is for: Role-players, boardgamers, writers, coders, artists, graphic designers, teachers, house-cleaners, lucid dreamers, gym-rats, distance runners, commuters and ANYONE who wants to immerse themselves in the audio-space of one environment, while physically inhabiting another.

Tabletop Audio

(via Red Ferret)

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