Boing Boing

Fox and other conservative sites hastily nuke posts urging vehicular murder of left-wing protesters

Last January, the alt-right website Daily Caller ran a post called "Here's A Reel Of Cars Plowing Through Protesters Trying To Block The Road," in which drivers endangered the lives of protesters while Ludacris's "Move Bitch" played in the background: the post was syndicated to a Fox websites and many other outposts of the right-wing media.

The Daily Caller staffer who made the post noted, "Study the technique; it may prove useful in the next four years."

After this weekend's brutal murder of a protester in Charlottesville by an avowed Nazi sympathizer who drove directly into a crowd of anti-Nazi protesters, the Daily Caller, Fox and the other sites that posted this call to arms has hastily removed it. Fox issued a statement weakly apologizing for posting it, while the Daily Caller has refused to comment on the post or its removal.

Republican lawmakers in red states all over America are continuing to push for legislation that would immunize drivers from liability for murdering protesters with their cars.

When thousands of demonstrators gathered Washington, D.C. in March to protest the Dakota Access pipeline, Daily Caller editor Katie Frates said on Twitter, "I wonder how many #NativeNationsRise #NoDAPL protesters I could run over before I got arrested #getouttamyway"

Glenn Reynolds, a conservative columnist and the proprietor of the blog Instapundit, was briefly suspended by Twitter last year for his own tweet encouraging drivers to run over protesters in North Carolina.

Fox News, Daily Caller delete posts encouraging people to drive through protests
[Tom Kludt/CNN]

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