Foster an Orphan Elephant

Just over two years ago I posted a video here titled "I Will Always Remember You." Among the many pieces I've done for Boing Boing both before and after, it remains the piece most read, and the video most watched.

The subject is the poaching of elephants and the orphaned young elephants who are then left alone. Elephants are extremely smart and social creatures, and the young stay with their mothers, for whom they depend on food, for three to four years. When the mother is killed, the youngster often dies.

The poaching of elephants for their tusks is no closer to being stopped than it was two years ago. Few want to look at horrible photographs of slaughtered animals, which is what makes this piece of animation so important and powerful.

Please watch this and consider donating to the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, an organization which cares for young elephants whose mothers have been slain.

If the video doesn't move you, then you have a heart of stone. For a mere $50 you can foster an orphan elephant.

From The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust:

Every orphan of poaching once had a family. As Hugo Guinness' moving animation shows, at our Nursery, we offer hope, a future and a second chance at life to victims of the ivory trade. This is their story.
‪#‎RememberMe‬ – Please share this film far and wide! Survivors, like the orphan elephant in the film, have the opportunity to not only live, but to go on and start their own families back in the wild.
Want to be a part of their future? Foster an orphaned baby elephant in our care at:
Our biggest thanks to acclaimed artist Hugo Guinness, Allegra Pilkington and Luisa Crosbie for creating such a powerful animation, with original music by Joe Trapanese and support from J. Crew.