Boing Boing

The movie trailer business is booming, even if theatre attendance isn't

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Thanks to YouTube and short attention spans, the humble movie trailer has surged in popularity in the past decade. In that time, the number of agencies that make trailers jumped from 12 to over 100.

Via VICE News:

These promos are "that one form of advertising that you actually want more of," explains Jon Penn, CEO of the National Research Group. And thanks to an increase in online availability, they're also easier to find, watch, rewatch, analyze and share theories about.

This trailer boom has lead to an increase in the number of trailers being cut and a robust job market for professional trailer makers. More work can mean more competition, too, as a studio will often hire several vendors to work on the same trailer, picking their favorite as the face of their film's campaign. That means trailer makers are constantly one-upping each other to be the most eye-catching and innovative of the bunch.

This Is Why You Can't Stop Watching Movie Trailers (YouTube / VICE News)

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