Boing Boing

Get Valentine's Day flowers delivered anywhere, half off

When it comes to Valentine's Day gestures, we encourage you to make the date your own. But we've got to admit, you can't beat the classic appeal of a well-picked, perfectly arranged bouquet of roses. And whether you need them delivered at home or to a long-distance lover, the best call is Teleflora's Valentine's Day Special – a $20 for $40 deal.

With Teleflora, you're supporting local florists no matter where you are. Log on to their website and choose from a wide variety of handcrafted bouquets – not just roses but a library of arrangements featuring lilacs, hydrangeas, carnations and more. They'll use quality florists in the US and Canada to create them and deliver them fast to your choice of locations. And even if you're not the one picking them up, they arrive in a vase, ready to swoon over – not some bland package.

Before the big day, it's time to jump on the Teleflora Valentine's Day Special and get $40 of credit for $20, redeemable on their site.

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