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Toshl Finance puts all your household budgeting right in the palm of your hand

Only 41 percent of Americans keep a budget. I guess we can assume that means the remaining 59 percent are just sorta winging it each month when it comes to expenses. While that method undoubtedly works for some, it also leaves a whole lot of room for error. That can be an error in calculations or, most likely an error in judgment.

If you aren't entirely sure how much you have in your accounts, how do you know you can really afford that new TV you're considering? And if you're never sure about your month-to-month spending, how can you ever gather up enough savings to build a nest egg? Not easily, for sure.

Most non-budgeters argue they don't have the time to keep monthly books, but Toshl Finance is working to prove that statement wrong. 

Toshl Finance is an app-based financial tool, allowing you a complete, up to the minute glance at your financial health 24/7/365.

With Toshl, users can set up a monthly, weekly or even daily budget, tracking all of their income and expenses across any number of categories. For all those who don't think they have the time to budget, Toshl is as simple as putting in the total you spend and deciding which category the expenditure should count against. Or you can upgrade to Toshl Medici Plan, which links to all of your bank accounts, credit cards and other financial details from over 14,000 different banks, lenders and other sources to update your spending automatically as it happens.

You set all the guidelines for where and how your money is tracked, offering an illuminating light on where your dollars go. If you're constantly surprised by an empty wallet at the end of the month, Toshl can help remind you of all the mocha lattes, Uber rides and other expenses at top of the month that got you there.

An app that syncs across all your Android and iOS devices, Toshl doesn't just do your number-crunching. It also displays all that data in enlightening graphs and charts, eye-opening visualizations in a host of reports that let you monitor your finances in dozens of different ways. There's even the ultra-blunt "left to spend" total, which lets you know exactly what's left for you to spend before your expenses are affected.

So far, over 30,000 users have given Toshl a 4.5 out of 5 star rating in the Apple App Store and Google Play, which shows just how many are appreciating the financial backstop that Toshl provides.

This offer includes three years of Toshl Finance Pro budgeting for only $29.99, a 50 percent savings off the regular price

Prices are subject to change.

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