Boing Boing

Working from home might be wrecking your back and this gel cushion could change all that

Which part of working from home has already been chafing on your very last nerve?

Many of us are going through it, so we know there's something. Maybe it's the constant interruption of family or roommates. Maybe it's not having access to all the resources you usually have back at the office. Or maybe it's something just as simple as not having a comfortable, supportive seat to help you get all that work done.

As many as 70 percent of people spend six or more hours each day sitting down, according to a National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys study. And all those hours are doing a real number on your back. While sitting may seem stress-free, it's actually putting added pressure on the muscles and discs in your back and neck. That position leads to slouching, which causes spinal ligaments to stretch, then strain your spinal discs, leading to pain.

This gel-crafted sitting cushion from Mavigadget is designed to snap you back into position, supporting proper body positioning while relieving pain in your tailbone, coccyx or back.

Engineered for use with most chairs, sofas and more, this cushion is constructed from Intelli-gel silicone material that's hyper-elastic, conforming to each individual user's body shape. The cushion recovers its original shape every time, even after prolonged uses, without any deformation while offering a comfortable, yet firmly supportive seating surface.

With its honeycomb design, this cushion also allows air circulation throughout its body, keeping your lower body ool, while preventing unwanted sweat, and even nasty situations like hemorrhoids that can crop up for prolonged sitting. Just as importantly, the honeycomb structure also works as a massager on your buttocks, releasing tension and offering a comfy spot to spend your working hours.

The bottom of the cushion is also made to be non-slippery, so you won't be sliding around, even on a slick-surfaced chair.

Working from home may not seem like quite so much work with support from this gel cushion, regularly $89, but now almost 35 percent off at just $57.99.

Prices are subject to change.

Do you have your stay-at-home essentials? Here are some you may have missed.

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