Boing Boing

If you've got a brilliant iPhone app idea, this training can help you build it yourself

When the Apple App Store got started in 2008, they opened with just 500 apps available. Just a short 12 years later, there are now approaching 2 million apps available for an iPhone user to download. And, we can guarantee you this – a vast portion of those apps didn't come from hardcore professional developers. Many came from interested tech-heads who had a good idea, then figured out the tools to make that idea happen.

Learning to create an app for the iPhone isn't always simple, but it likely isn't the impossible mission many expect. And, it doesn't require an MIT degree to get started either. The training available in The Learn to Create an iPhone App Bundle can absolutely point the way to crafting your very own iPhone app that could even join the App Store.

The collection features eight different courses that can guide a first-time creator through the array of platforms and tools needed to make an iPhone app come to life.

Users can get started with iPhone Apps for Absolute Beginners: iOS 14 and Swift 5 and SwiftUI: The Complete Developer Course – The SwiftUI Bible. These introductory courses lead the way toward creation, explaining the iPhone's iOS 14 operating system, the Swift 5 coding language at the heart of an iPhone app, and Swift UI, the framework that actually brings a functioning app to life.

With a firm understanding of the building blocks, courses like Swift Programming for iPhone Apps and iOS App Creation with Swift further the training, expanding beyond simple basics, into the more advanced issues app creators face. Creating user interfaces, exploring data models, and controlling flow and transfers with Swift can present serious challenges, but this coursework walks users through approaches for engaging and ultimately using these tools to get the final product any budding developer wants.

Google Firebase is another popular web app development platform – and the iOS Apps and Firebase: Create a Simple, Real-Time WhatsApp Clone explores using that avenue for app creation. By the time learners are finished, they'll even have completed work on their very own version of the WhatsApp App for exchanging text conversations in real time.

Each course in the Learn to Create an iPhone App Bundle is a $200 value, but right now, it's on sale for only about $5 per course, just $39.99 while this deal lasts.

Prices subject to change.

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