Boing Boing

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany 'lies the way that most people breathe'

Kayleigh McEnany. Photo: Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Interviewed by Brian Stelter, CNN reporter and host Jake Tapper says that he won't book White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany because she "lies the way that most people breathe."

Here's the clip:

If you watch the whole show, note Stetler's eagerness at the idea Trump might found his own TV/News/Internet media network and keep the Trump wagon rolling there. Tapper was, in essense, countering that eagerness, explaining why he doesn't want to continue providing coverage to Trump and his cronies.

There is deep anxiety among media folks about what happens when Trump isn't around creating daily blockbusters. If Trump traffic goes away, there'll be a badger cull in political media. Something to bear in mind when you see us, collectively, doing things that seem oddly to promote the continued presence of Trump in as close to the current form as possible.

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